Sunday, August 29, 2010

Trip to Poky, Summer Hiking and Other News

This is going to be a huge post. I have a lot of updating to do and want to make sure I document all of it.

FIRST OF ALL: ROMAN IS 8 MONTHS......and gets cuter every day.

He is getting chubby (weighing in at 20 pounds) and is moving EVERYWHERE!!!! He started crawling at 7 months, and there is no stopping him now!
Here are some of his favorite things:

                                       1) CRAWLING UP STAIRS!!!!!!! He gets so giddy.

                           2) BATHTIME.....It's amazing how long he can chew on a toy.

3) THE SHOE CLOSET. Especially chewing on them. Nasty!

4) Going on walks or hikes.
5) He loves chewing on licorice.
6) He giggles when he sees Birdie and Mulligan.
7) Sleeping. He still likes his 3 naps a day.
8) Seeing dad come home from work. His expression is priceless.
9) Patty cake, patty cake. Especially when you roll it and toss it:)
10) Chewing on anything! Mostly because he is getting 3 teeth on top! Making that 6 teeth total.

And here are some of his LEAST FAVORITE things:

1) Shopping with mom......grrrrrrr! I keep thinking that I am going to train him not to be like his dad in this way. LOL. So far it's NOT working:)
2) Getting in his high chair.
3) Changing his clothes(very challenging). 
4) Walking him up the stairs, because he's smart enough to know he is probably going to sleep.
5) Being held by anyone at any time. NO CUDDLING ALLOWED! Or kissing:)
6) Getting teeth.

Other funny things he does:

When his binky is in his mouth, he must be holding it at all times. He loves to pull it out and put it back in.......and repeat. Notice he is "smizing" (a term I learned from Tyra Banks) meaning smiling with your eyes. Oh, I adore little Roman.

Other adventures lately involve visiting The McDonalds in Pocatello, Idaho. We went to Bear World one day and hiking another day. We are so happy they live closer (compared to New Orleans). 

Jared was feeding the bear gummy bears to get it right next to our car.

Driving through Bear World.

This is a cool bench made out of skateboards at a pizza place. Maybe we should make one with Jared's skateboards?

We also went on a hike with The Bogars in Pleasant Grove. Baby Sienna (Note: in the baby sling)was an angel the whole time.

LASTLY: THE NURSERY IS FINISHED. WAHOO! However, I must say that I dislike the paint color and I am going to repaint. But I am so proud of Jared for designing the posters in his nursery! He did a wonderful job. 

1 comment:

ShOrt StoRy said...

Oh...I love this! He is one handsome kid!